

作者:北京智杰方远科技有限公司 2014-06-05T14:36 (访问量:5962)

本公司SIGMA VETEC琼脂糖2014年6月1日至7月30日7折推广促销
5瓶以内 228元/瓶,
5-10瓶 228元/瓶,赠送50元手机充值卡

一样的价格 不一样的品质 有木有;
实实在在的优惠 多买多送 有木有

The following is a list of properties associated with our agaroses:
Sulfate content - used as an indicator of purity, since sulfate is the major ionic group

Gel strength - the force that must be applied to a gel to cause it to fracture.
Gel point - the temperature at which an aqueous agarose solution forms a gel as it cools.

Agarose solutions exhibit hysteresis in the liquid-to-gel transition - that is, their gel

point is not the same as their melting temperature.
Electroendosmosis (EEO) - a movement of liquid through the gel. Anionic groups in an

agarose gel are affixed to the matrix and cannot move, but dissociable counter cations can

migrate toward the cathode in the matrix, giving rise to EEO. Since electrophoretic

movement of biopolymers is usually toward the anode, EEO can disrupt separations because

of internal convection.

北京智杰方远科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 北京市海淀区马连洼北路九号东居兴业写字楼

联系人: 张女士

电 话: 010-82897201 15810200961

传 真: 010-62894435



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